Author - Maria Campodonico
Submitted By -RTE, Cooper
Hello, my name is Maria Campodonico and I posted my husbands accident last July after his trial with the transformer company. We are reaching out to others to inform of the dangers there are STill with the underground transformer manufactured by RTE, Cooper Ind. We would appreciate any feedback and help on any other related accidents occurred with this type of transformer. The manufacturer admitted that many left the plant with a defect, but there are no way to find out which ones they are. The manufacturer brochure states that you can safely pull bayonet fuse to check for oil sampling while this transformer is still energized. Actually, this has proved to be incorrect and all utility companies that purchased these type of transformers should have been notified to HAVE ALL these type of transformers be de-energized before the sampling is done to prevent any further explosions and harm to the lineman and foreman. We realize this is alot for one person to do,but we thought we would start here and get support from others that put their lives on the line daily. A simple sticker was all that this transformer company had to produce to alert the line workers that in MUST be de-energized before any sampling is done. If this was done the way it should have been, my husband would of never encountered what he had to on March 30th 1999. Three other transformers of that type exploded prior to the date of my husband's injury and nothing was done to have these investigated thoroughly. We would appreciate any help and or feedback on any information anyone has concerning these transformers. We don't want to see anymore people hurt unnecessarily due poor business practice. Thank you for taking the time to read our plea for justice. Maria Campodonico 209 632-4017 and our e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.