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Tuesday, 31 July 2007 19:00


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AEP just had a lineman killed in Elkhart,Ind. yesterday April the 11th. They were adding the fourth wire or 3rd phase to a line in order to be able to install a wye/wye 277/480 bank. The new wire was contacting the system neutral and the victim evidently touched this wire and an energized wire thus coming in series with 7200 volts. Don't know much more than this. He was 27 years old and had worked for AEP for 7 years.


Also yesterday in Tulsa,Ok. also for AEP a line foreman was severely flash burned while working in a substation. He's in the burn center. Don't know much more than that.

I have worked 10 years for PSO/AEP and don't have a very good opinion of them as a company. I don't know what to tell people except learn as much as you can and always remember that your safety ultimately depends on you.

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