Author - Daniel Mickschl Jr
Submitted By - Daniel MickschlJr
Thanks Dad for teaching me the grandest trade! I think of you every day when I pass that 80 H-1 we climbed together when I was a dumb kid. You were the best lineman I ever met and most of the lineman I know would agree. You were a fair and honest foreman with the sharpest pencil. The other lineman and I always made the most $$ working on your crew. You looked out for us and made sure we were safe. You put up with our drinking and "smokin" and loved every one of us. We all made it home from the "big storm" thanks to your watchful eye. With out you I would have went up in smoke more than once. It was fitting for you to go the way you did: surrounded by lineman who loved you like a dad, on a big storm and with a big smile. Im so glad you did not have to lay up in a nursing home, busted up from linework. I know you are helping run wire in heaven and I will get to climb with you again like we used to. I love you and thanks for being the best Father I ever heard of or met. I love you, Daniel Mickschl Jr