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Submitted By -Well, long ago when our foreman, who was then a young climber (back when he had so hair on his head!!) had to climb a pole in an alleyway in town! He needed supplies also so he attached a handline to his belt and proceeded to climb the pole with several of the other fellows watching! Well, three fourths of the way up the pole someone (so he thought) started tugging on his handline! He shouted "Hey Stop That!!" Well all of the guys started laughing!! It seems that a rather big dog in the fenced yard ajoining the pole in the alley had latched ahold of the handline when it blew into his yard!! The mutt started pulling with all his might and our future foreman started hollering!! ( he didn't have his belt laynard latched and was holding on just by his hands!! Man were the uys laughing!! Every time the dog tugged the climber had to hold on tight!! Well after several attempts the guys were able to get the handline away from the dog!! I guess 0ur lineman was really "Dog Tired"