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Monday, 28 December 2009 18:00


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Author - jtrouble

Submitted By - jon brault While shooting trouble in the shady part of Orlando one day I was dispatched a no lights call. Upon arriving I walked out the lateral and found an arrestor had gone bad and hadn't isolated itself. While walking back to to truck I noticed there were three thugs hangin out at the bus stop. It just so happend that the 100t cutout was hanging directly over the thugs head. So I decided to have some fun. Rehung the 100t and waited for the bros to look away. I guess I should have made the repair first but it was too tempting.  Closed in the door, held for a few seconds then whaaaam! They took off running and didn't come back for a few minutes. It was perfect! Oh and by the way, they missed the bus.
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