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Tipped Over Digger

TDate: September 30, 1997

RE: Accident Report - Digger Truck #81-44 - 9/29/97

Summary: At approximately 8:30 a.m. on 9/29/97, while loading a 5,000 lb. reel of wire onto a trailer, the digger truck was tipped over onto the driver’s side where the equipment box came to rest on a wooden wire reel at approximately a 45 degree angle. The truck was completely off of the wheels and standing on the two outriggers. No one was injured, and at this time, there appears to be only minimal damage to the truck. The crew present at the time of the accident were ***** Foreman, *****Journey Lineworker, and ***** Groundman/Operator. After discussing the incident involving ******* crew, I find the following to be true:

1) the activity the employee was doing that caused the accident was done in an acceptable and approved manner following all department rules and guidelines; and 2) no evidence of employee impairment was present, all applicable safety equipment and devices were used, and no safety rules or departmental rules were violated. Investigating the accident, I have identified the following events to have preceded the accident: · Thefirst tailboard discussion was conducted inside the building at approximately 7:30 a.m.
· The second tailboard discussion was conducted at the job site, where it was determined what equipment to use.
· Tow trucks were not available so the crew hooked the two reel trailer to the digger truck (81-44).
· The Warehouse had just unloaded a semi-truck load of reeled wire onto the ground around the wire that the crew was to load and work with that day.
· Both Forklifts were in use in the yard and not available to move the wire out where it could be handled easily.
· The crew off -loaded the partial reel left on the trailer in the back position.
· The crew then positioned the boom over the first reel to be picked up.
· The third tailboard discussion was conducted at this time to discuss the load limits of the boom in this position with the third stage out.
· The truck lifted reel #1 (5,130 lbs.) approx. 7 feet in the air and swung it around in line with the back position on the trailer where it was loaded and secured.
· The crew repositioned the boom by raising it up and retracting the third stage, and off-loaded the first reel in the front position on the trailer.
· The boom was positioned over reel #2 (5,000 lbs.) in preparation for loading it on the trailer.
· The fourth tailboard discussion was conducted at this time concerning the boom angle and load weight. This reel was closer to the truck, the boom was raised, and the third extension was
retracted. With all of these considerations, the crew felt that the truck was more stable and should have no problem with the load.
· Reel #2 was picked up approx. 7 feet to clear the reels in the way and the fence, and was in the process of being swung to the trailer. The reel started in the 10 o’clock position and when it reached the 9 o’clock position, the truck tipped over. The front of the truck is twelve o’clock.
· ***** noticed the truck tipping and started yelling to lower the load. The winch line did not react as fast as the truck was tipping and they were not able to drop the load in time to keep the truck from going over.

· The truck tipped over coming to rest on the drivers side just behind the cab on a wooden reel. *** scrambled to keep on the high side of the truck and ended up hanging onto the top rail of the
storage box and virtually unhurt.

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