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Submitted By -Stringing Line
This one happened 15 or so years ago, seems like yesterday. I was one of the foreman on a construction crew in Southern CA. We were stringing wire between spread energized conductors. The lineman on the tensioner end of the project couldn’t operate the brake and see the how much 556 MCM wire was left on the reel . an apprentice was instructed to watch the reel while the wire was being pulled in. He took his position in front and to the side of the reel in a position ,where if anything happened he would be in the clear. I continued following the sock line as the conductor was being pulled in. Suddenly, it dropped. Luck prevented the conductor from coming into contact with all the energized crossings, riser poles, etc Apparently the apprentice did exactly as instructed. He watch the reel (until it ran out of wire, never saying one thing).