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Submitted By -ROTTEN POLES
We had a bad transformer in a back yard with tree's and landscaping everywhere. This transformer was a 1966 SP 7.2KV 120/240 overhead. This pole was blind and we discussed where we were going to have to set the old one down because of the steep incline and landscaped area. We were a four man crew (that's the normal size crew ) and we decided only one man would climb so two could tag the trans. It was about 2:00AM and it had been storming. We climbed the pole set the grunt and a half on the pole and began to let it down. We had to tag it out about 15 feet and as it headed down we lacked about 6 inches and we were on the ground. SNAP the pole was rotted off about 6 inches below the ground. Fortunately we had CATV & TELEPHONE on the pole, along with several services. I was acting Crew Foreman two senior lineman (journeyman), and a 4th year apprentice. About sixty years of line experience. All ended up OK. LET'S REMEMBER ALWAYS CHECK OUT THE POLES BEFORE WE CLIMB!!!