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Submitted By - Bare HandingA crew was Isolating 3 phase URD to cut in a new Trans. They Isolated the cable by switching the xfmr's to B side only on one side and A side only on the other They stood off the wire on one transformer correctly, and stood off the hot side without noticing on the other. There was switch cab in between and that is where they decided to ground the cable. They then went back to the trans. where they stood off the hot cable accidentally, and one lineman pulled the elbow off the stand-off bushing with his leather gloves, while the other lineman reached in and cut the phase in two with a pair of circle cutters (metal handles). All that happened is that it blew a 100A fuse, and operated the sub. Both men walked away without a scratch! The guy that cut it with the metal handled cutters did it bare handed. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!