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Submitted By - Three Rivers FatalityThree rivers fatality-a lot will be hush hush because of lawsuit, some will be conjecture. My understanding from word of mouth...The job was interesting steel poles and transferring the conductor. It seems there were some personality conflicts and everyone was pissed off. In transferring the conductor, an arm gin and a set of rope blocks were used. It seems the rigging got two blocked, and the conductor was jammed in the hook without enough height to land in the glass. While there was a bucket in he air, for some reason the foreman borrowed someone's tools and climbed the steel pole. It seems the foreman then put a collar rope around an energized 66kv or 115kv standoff glass and hung the hand line in it. He then descended to the 12kv level, belted off over the wood arm on the steel pole, reached out and touched the metal rigging eye of the arm gin. The blocks, while being plastic, had metal reinforcement in them which were connected to the hooks on the two blocked rigging. He died. This is the story I heard, and I don't know if there is addition or omission to it.