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Tuesday, 31 July 2007 19:00


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Submitted By - Failed Communication

On November 25th an emergency serviceman working for Keyspan energy in long island, N.Y. was killed by a direct primary contact. Upon arrival at the job site the serviceman noticed a primary transformer tap was burnt free. the serviceman called for assistance, and upon arrival of the second serviceman they opened a cutout 1 span away. the first serviceman on the scene then put his ladder onto the transformer and proceeded to replace the tap. the second serviceman walked to the pole and saw the new tap installed and re energized the line. Unfortunately he did not realize his partner who installed the tap was going to the truck to get a screw driver to tighten the ring on the hotline clamp. He then returned to the pole not realizing it was energized . he climbed the ladder and had his belly on the top of the transformer and with leather gloves he touched the ring with a screw driver. the man was fatally wounded by electrocution. Another reminder for all linemen that communication and proper safety practices are the most important issues that concern us. We will miss him.

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