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Wednesday, 18 July 2007 19:00


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Author - Garnet Mitchell

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Raccoons and poles

A while back I was sent to a no power call, rear lot, at night. When we got there, the pole had a single phase dead end 2400 and a can on it with the fuse open. There was a dead raccoon at the bottom of the pole.

I climbed the pole to refuse and low and behold, that dead raccoon had a brother sitting on the top of the pole. The primary was still live to the dead end. I was only using a 6' switch stick to refuse, so I climbed a little farther up the pole and started to poke that raccoon off the pole. I was hoping that he would fall off the back of the pole and not down onto the switch. Well I managed to poke that raccoon off the pole all right, and right into my lap. Never..never..but never knock a raccoon into your lap.

Garnet Mitchell

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