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Tuesday, 31 July 2007 19:00


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Author - rthomp1206 @

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Ronnie Thompson story

Has anyone seen the Ronnie Thompson story. It was a flim that Lakeland Elec. & TECO put together about a lineman that came in contact with 7200. He was 26 ft. on a pole when unbelted to climbed  down to help his pole buddy. He had dead conductor, on a screw diver when some other lineman to the south of him untied the dead conductor that were taking out. The slack in the wire went to the north causing it to go in a hot phase out on the road. The two other lineman were to wait till Ronnie had a hoist on the dead phase and jack the slack back to them. When the conductor, came hot on him it went in his right side and out his right forearm, about two inches above his right hand. He was blown 30 ft. out into a back yard, 50 % of his body burned. He had no broken bones, or internal injuries. He was in the hospital for two and half weeks, and a burn nurse coming out to his farm for three months. He is still working for Lakeland Elec. in the engineering department. Since the accident he has fifteen operation. And miss line work, but having not having full use of his right hand, he could not return to it. He would like know if anyone has seen this safety film. Let him know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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