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Submitted By -Loading Transformer
The other day,we had to load a 2500 KVA transformer. Not a big deal right?..The transformer weight was just over 12,000 pounds and the 1 1/4 inch Samson 2in1 yacht braid was rated for 54,000 pounds. It had been on my line truck for about nine months and rotated once. It broke. I have an Altec line truck and the only thing that I think could have happened is that the boom tip sheave quit rolling. Just before that we had moved another transformer that was 15,ooo pounds. I know that I should have double blocked the load but with the conditions I had, I thought we were OK. Anyways, just passing this on. By the way, everyone was out of the bite so no one got hurt but when those welds cracked after falling four feet on to asphalt,, Damn we had a mess. Work safe brothers