- using the spyder system
- jobs in cali
- Wesco's or Hoffmans?
- 2 man patrolling question
- A new bucket that doesn't smoke
- Grounding Question........
- Laminate poles
- Pole foam
- International lineman forum
- American Linemen In Bc
- Pole lifting Tongs
- competant person?
- National Grid.
- Cost of Fuel.
- Knots, Splices and Fids.
- Pike is growing again..
- Spiking Tool
- Die cast toys of Diggers and Buckets,
- This Is India….it's Where You Call When You Have A Technical Problem With Your Comput
- huddig
- 3 pot bank rotation
- Any ideas about this?
- Swampgas Quiz.
- Storms , Floods ,Fires....
- The quiz thread.
- reflective vests
- jersey central power and light
- Heads up PG&E hands........
- drugs testing
- Boric Acid Drop Out Fuses
- Simple cutover. (Voltage conversion)
- Okay heres one fur you guys.
- HV XLPE Overhead
- Linework in Dubia
- Arching horn and Corona Ring
- Stuff about toolz
- What do you think of this?
- Pole pulling techniques
- Crew Leader
- Georgia Power?
- Opposite Phases in Single Phase Pad mounts
- Pike buying another company??
- Lineman in Alaska??
- Helicoptor maintenance company?
- For CPOPE.
- Municipalities Vs Co-ops
- Looking for work in Aussie Land
- Remember this Swampfag?
- Transformer question.
- 4,..10s' or 5,....8s'
- Limits of working off a pole
- Lineman pictures
- Climbers for concrete poles
- retirement gig.
- Dillard Smith
- Any Canadians Gone Across Border with FPL?
- Rest Period policy
- Working At A Municipality
- 2009 World Championship Lineman's Rodeo
- Altec buckets
- Gustav
- Helicopter Patrols
- Fault Finder?
- Hotstick or Insulated Tool?
- Small set of come-alongs
- What was the last knot you used?
- contract transmission work
- HT Cables Erection
- Hurricane Ike
- Can only use 33kv rated buckets on the network
- Transmission Schools
- Union or Non-Union
- Distribution Automation
- Some Pics From Hurricane Ike
- New Here? Having problems posting?
- Are Massachusetts Municipalities Union???
- Double Handline block
- OPPD or Local 22 info
- Buying Comealongs
- How often do you guys get called out?
- Safety Glasses as PPE
- Transmission Work
- What kind of call outs?
- dominion power
- App. Test
- My...How times Change
- movalley j-men and or app.
- Spike test video.
- Dominion
- coops?
- win $100 for Best Linemen Tattoo
- Pictures. What is it? Anyone?
- The forum going down hill!
- "boxing-in" Secondaries On Transformer Poles Or Inline Poles Or Spot Poles
- Setting Meters
- Cap banks vs static banks
- arms and poles
- layoffs
- Is it a norm to get these issued?
- closed bank
- insulators
- Getting a Job
- Feeder Phasing
- Oberon Class 2 rubber gloves
- PCB's?
- Mighty Mac
- Got Into Any Good Binds?
- Grounding Vehicles
- cold fingers
- Would this be helpful?
- Ratio's (turns/voltage/current)
- epoxilators in fires
- Aerial Lineman pay scale
- bucksqueeze
- bpa interview
- Vehicle Safety Grounds
- Eny body remember?????
- (local 77) 3 Phase Work
- Bullet Proofing Linemen
- Bundle wire
- Compression Dies
- two neutrals
- Throw some ideas at me.
- Applying Grounds/voltage
- Hendrix Aerial spaced Cable .
- High Maintenace Linemen
- Ice storm in the north east
- Canadian Contractors List
- paralleling transformers in a secondary circuit
- thanks to all the linemen out there
- Safety glasses fogging up
- is duke buying out e-on us/ ku/lg&e????
- Tying In Phases With Hot-line Tools
- Storms
- Work in Canada
- Wind storm southeast
- Job Situation in Your Area, Traveling?
- Bucket trucks
- High Voltage Surge Arrester
- PSI and PIKE
- Buying new bucket trucks
- Proto Type Robo Hoist
- Planetary Utilities
- National Grid to cut jobs
- Working in Missouri
- Gotta question
- Sorta for Topgroove.
- Working Abroad
- Union Work
- Ampact
- tricks for installing??
- Winter Gloves
- compression line splices
- Comin Ice Storm
- Certificate of Fitness Card Question...??
- Ice Storm
- Super Bright Led Strobe And Flashlight
- Ampact Connections
- Are you happy with your company?
- Reusing Transformers
- State Approved Journeyman Lineman card?
- VOLTA Line School
- URD Elbow Pullers or sticks
- How Old is the Oldest Truck on your lot?
- Best places to work
- Anyone Who Works At Pseg
- ibew1837 CMP contract
- dead ends and corners
- Definition of "hotsticking"
- Nat. Grid Distribution Contract
- Fiberglass pole hotline tools?
- Flash Lights, flood lights
- yo bigsoupy
- I.B.E.W Road Trash
- Wooden Versus Steel Crossarms
- 28 KV Current Transformers
- What happened to
- Call outs, upcomming work?
- Largest or Best Contractors
- Please Help! Fr Clothing?
- Powerline Tradeshow/ expo's ???
- Rigging and stringing training?
- HI Lineman
- What 3 things
- Looking for new rubbers
- school and job search
- grounding on water-surrounded areas
- Borrowing/Renting Climbing Gear?
- Changing failing (melting) epoxy insulators?
- no free climb?
- I.B.E.W. Road Trash
- Any body work for Dominion or anyone in Northern VA?
- ground Installation
- Transmission work
- Home Surge Protection
- met-ed
- work
- dogman
- Anyone here work for a Municipal in MA?
- Glove Roller
- WTF Pike Elec??
- Old School
- having problems
- Arc Flash Raingear
- Jumpering 3 Phase Units
- Colorado Springs Utilities
- Need safety information for magazine article
- henkels?? anybody??
- Storms?? Fires??
- info for canada
- Any nicknames for tools of the trade
- PSEG X-frmrs
- working overseas
- work
- Off the Regular Linework.....
- I gotta question I never had before
- Best hotel amenities
- work overseas
- Help
- I need a source
- Favorite work?
- Battery Cutters
- FR Carhart Jeans
- Iraq
- work in Australia???
- Handling hot primary (12kv) in a jib wire head
- Is there any outside work anywhere
- loadbuster failures
- supporting center phase
- Clearance questions
- advice on the lineman career
- use of trucks while being on call
- Why Arizona Linemen are Paid so Well
- Getting Rotation
- weirdest things yo've seen shut out a circuit
- Overhead Standards
- Drinkin'
- outside work
- LED headlights.
- fallin brother
- i need some advice please read and give me some info
- Training
- Protocol In These Situations?
- Another FR question
- Sleeping after Storm work...
- Muni Work Compared To Large Companies
- Pseg
- W dies for Huskie tools
- Inovations...
- Entering the job market.