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  1. using the spyder system
  2. jobs in cali
  3. Wesco's or Hoffmans?
  4. 2 man patrolling question
  5. A new bucket that doesn't smoke
  6. Grounding Question........
  7. Laminate poles
  8. Pole foam
  9. International lineman forum
  10. American Linemen In Bc
  11. Pole lifting Tongs
  12. competant person?
  13. National Grid.
  14. Cost of Fuel.
  15. Knots, Splices and Fids.
  16. Pike is growing again..
  17. Spiking Tool
  18. Die cast toys of Diggers and Buckets,
  19. This Is India….it's Where You Call When You Have A Technical Problem With Your Comput
  20. huddig
  21. 3 pot bank rotation
  22. Any ideas about this?
  23. Swampgas Quiz.
  24. Storms , Floods ,Fires....
  25. The quiz thread.
  26. reflective vests
  27. jersey central power and light
  28. Heads up PG&E hands........
  29. drugs testing
  30. Boric Acid Drop Out Fuses
  31. Simple cutover. (Voltage conversion)
  32. Okay heres one fur you guys.
  33. HV XLPE Overhead
  34. Linework in Dubia
  35. Arching horn and Corona Ring
  36. Stuff about toolz
  37. What do you think of this?
  38. Pole pulling techniques
  39. Crew Leader
  40. Georgia Power?
  41. Opposite Phases in Single Phase Pad mounts
  42. Pike buying another company??
  43. Lineman in Alaska??
  44. Helicoptor maintenance company?
  45. For CPOPE.
  46. Municipalities Vs Co-ops
  47. Looking for work in Aussie Land
  48. Remember this Swampfag?
  49. Transformer question.
  50. 4,..10s' or 5,....8s'
  51. Limits of working off a pole
  52. Lineman pictures
  53. Climbers for concrete poles
  54. retirement gig.
  55. Dillard Smith
  56. Any Canadians Gone Across Border with FPL?
  57. Rest Period policy
  58. Working At A Municipality
  59. 2009 World Championship Lineman's Rodeo
  60. Altec buckets
  61. Gustav
  62. Helicopter Patrols
  63. Fault Finder?
  64. Hotstick or Insulated Tool?
  65. Small set of come-alongs
  66. What was the last knot you used?
  67. contract transmission work
  68. HT Cables Erection
  69. Hurricane Ike
  70. Can only use 33kv rated buckets on the network
  71. Transmission Schools
  72. Union or Non-Union
  73. Distribution Automation
  74. Some Pics From Hurricane Ike
  75. New Here? Having problems posting?
  76. Are Massachusetts Municipalities Union???
  77. Double Handline block
  78. OPPD or Local 22 info
  79. Buying Comealongs
  80. How often do you guys get called out?
  81. Safety Glasses as PPE
  82. Transmission Work
  83. What kind of call outs?
  84. dominion power
  85. App. Test
  86. My...How times Change
  87. movalley j-men and or app.
  88. Spike test video.
  89. Dominion
  90. coops?
  91. win $100 for Best Linemen Tattoo
  92. Pictures. What is it? Anyone?
  93. The forum going down hill!
  94. "boxing-in" Secondaries On Transformer Poles Or Inline Poles Or Spot Poles
  95. Setting Meters
  96. Cap banks vs static banks
  97. arms and poles
  98. layoffs
  99. Is it a norm to get these issued?
  100. closed bank
  101. insulators
  102. Getting a Job
  103. Feeder Phasing
  104. Oberon Class 2 rubber gloves
  105. PCB's?
  106. Mighty Mac
  107. Got Into Any Good Binds?
  108. Grounding Vehicles
  109. cold fingers
  110. Would this be helpful?
  111. Ratio's (turns/voltage/current)
  112. epoxilators in fires
  113. Aerial Lineman pay scale
  114. bucksqueeze
  115. bpa interview
  116. Vehicle Safety Grounds
  117. Eny body remember?????
  118. (local 77) 3 Phase Work
  119. Bullet Proofing Linemen
  120. Bundle wire
  121. Compression Dies
  122. two neutrals
  123. Throw some ideas at me.
  124. Applying Grounds/voltage
  125. Hendrix Aerial spaced Cable .
  126. High Maintenace Linemen
  127. Ice storm in the north east
  128. Canadian Contractors List
  129. paralleling transformers in a secondary circuit
  130. thanks to all the linemen out there
  131. Safety glasses fogging up
  132. is duke buying out e-on us/ ku/lg&e????
  133. Tying In Phases With Hot-line Tools
  134. Storms
  135. Work in Canada
  136. Wind storm southeast
  137. Job Situation in Your Area, Traveling?
  138. Bucket trucks
  139. High Voltage Surge Arrester
  140. PSI and PIKE
  141. Buying new bucket trucks
  142. Proto Type Robo Hoist
  143. Planetary Utilities
  144. National Grid to cut jobs
  145. Working in Missouri
  146. Gotta question
  147. Sorta for Topgroove.
  148. Working Abroad
  149. Union Work
  150. Ampact
  151. tricks for installing??
  152. Winter Gloves
  153. compression line splices
  154. Comin Ice Storm
  155. Certificate of Fitness Card Question...??
  156. Ice Storm
  157. Super Bright Led Strobe And Flashlight
  158. Ampact Connections
  159. Are you happy with your company?
  160. Reusing Transformers
  161. State Approved Journeyman Lineman card?
  162. VOLTA Line School
  163. URD Elbow Pullers or sticks
  164. How Old is the Oldest Truck on your lot?
  165. Best places to work
  166. Anyone Who Works At Pseg
  167. ibew1837 CMP contract
  168. dead ends and corners
  169. Definition of "hotsticking"
  170. Nat. Grid Distribution Contract
  171. Fiberglass pole hotline tools?
  172. Flash Lights, flood lights
  173. yo bigsoupy
  174. I.B.E.W Road Trash
  175. Wooden Versus Steel Crossarms
  176. 28 KV Current Transformers
  177. What happened to
  178. Call outs, upcomming work?
  179. Largest or Best Contractors
  180. Please Help! Fr Clothing?
  181. Powerline Tradeshow/ expo's ???
  182. Rigging and stringing training?
  183. HI Lineman
  184. What 3 things
  185. Looking for new rubbers
  186. school and job search
  187. grounding on water-surrounded areas
  188. Borrowing/Renting Climbing Gear?
  189. Changing failing (melting) epoxy insulators?
  190. no free climb?
  191. I.B.E.W. Road Trash
  192. Any body work for Dominion or anyone in Northern VA?
  193. ground Installation
  194. Transmission work
  195. Home Surge Protection
  196. met-ed
  197. work
  198. dogman
  199. Anyone here work for a Municipal in MA?
  200. Glove Roller
  201. WTF Pike Elec??
  202. Old School
  203. having problems
  204. Arc Flash Raingear
  205. Jumpering 3 Phase Units
  206. Colorado Springs Utilities
  207. Need safety information for magazine article
  208. henkels?? anybody??
  209. Storms?? Fires??
  210. info for canada
  211. Any nicknames for tools of the trade
  212. PSEG X-frmrs
  213. working overseas
  214. work
  215. Off the Regular Linework.....
  216. I gotta question I never had before
  217. Best hotel amenities
  218. work overseas
  219. Help
  220. I need a source
  221. Favorite work?
  222. Battery Cutters
  223. FR Carhart Jeans
  224. Iraq
  225. work in Australia???
  226. Handling hot primary (12kv) in a jib wire head
  227. Is there any outside work anywhere
  228. loadbuster failures
  229. supporting center phase
  230. Clearance questions
  231. advice on the lineman career
  232. use of trucks while being on call
  233. Why Arizona Linemen are Paid so Well
  234. Getting Rotation
  235. weirdest things yo've seen shut out a circuit
  236. Overhead Standards
  237. Drinkin'
  238. outside work
  239. LED headlights.
  240. fallin brother
  241. i need some advice please read and give me some info
  242. Training
  243. Protocol In These Situations?
  244. Another FR question
  245. Sleeping after Storm work...
  246. Muni Work Compared To Large Companies
  247. Pseg
  248. W dies for Huskie tools
  249. Inovations...
  250. Entering the job market.