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  1. Phase to phase or phase to ground?
  2. just something to think about
  3. Threaded Eye Bolt
  4. Class 4 Rubber Gloves and Sleeves
  5. have you heard of this?concerning rubber gloves and sleeves
  6. Curves
  7. Capacitor Controls
  8. Ever wanted to start your own contractor crew?
  9. Who would you pick?
  10. ruling span formula
  11. How can I get into helicopter work? And travel out of the country to do line work?
  12. Texas Wildfires-Residents sue Bluebonnet Electric Coop
  13. IBEW Apprentice training standards
  14. Single phasin'
  15. What makes a good supervisor?
  16. scotish line gang
  17. I will show you mine if you show me yours... :)
  18. Haverfield Aviation Questions
  19. kiwi crew at work. "Auckland"
  20. back to the basics,and the cardinal rules of linework.
  21. broken leg able to return to reg work duties
  22. No spurs
  23. OSHA requirements? Hotline training?
  24. Traveling lineman
  25. Power Factor
  26. For you thumper savvy folks
  27. Ground fault switches
  28. Hi-Vis Clothing
  29. Tools?
  30. Goin' back to Jersey
  31. what song would you choose for a lineman video
  32. Easier way .. ?
  33. Down neutral over a river
  34. Busting ice off the lines
  35. Winter projects
  36. word of warning frrom an old hand
  37. today in scotland. :)
  38. The next step is a fully implemented rule
  39. Uk spacering
  40. here's a brain teaser for you guys
  41. question can someone help me...................................
  42. loch lomand Scotland
  43. oct nor easter in connecticut
  44. What's this for. ????
  45. things lineman have done
  46. Cutting over 167kva (or larger) XFMR'S
  47. Class 3 Rubber Gloves
  48. urd guys
  49. Pole framing stand
  50. Question ! HOW MANY EARTHS " grounds"
  51. SUN ON THE "SCOTISH JOB". pictures
  52. Kon ni chi wa
  53. Irish. Pylon. ?????
  54. any ideas on tools for 1000mcm?
  55. PG&E (California Utility) Lineman Positions
  56. square rigging Scotland
  57. Every Year More Clearence.
  58. Banking transformer
  59. DO YOU USE . meaursing sticks ?
  60. Priority list
  61. Triplex question
  62. Your in-put
  63. Bren's Work Day
  64. The simple socket
  65. OH good the snows arrived
  66. looks pretty
  67. cant say hoover ****
  68. HA HA.... your jokeing "aren't ya.?
  69. Working For Entergy
  70. Which company makes the best rodeo gear?
  71. tit for tatt days
  72. stirring up the pot
  73. Only 6
  74. Fall arrest systems.
  75. Austin Energy
  76. kwh price per state
  77. This guy can climb
  78. magger 5kv Qu?
  79. Keyspan loses its contract with LIPA
  80. Open Wye-3 pot bank (sweet)
  81. stupid anal stupid stuff people learn from different parts.
  82. Opposite phases in single phase transformers
  83. we caused the death. but it wasn't. or fault
  84. nice article
  85. bucket bags,tool bags
  86. Seriously funny but serious
  87. whats missing
  88. $Money$
  89. can it be done?
  90. where is the hardest ground
  91. what are these for ?
  92. what do u consider a large # of outages
  93. easy
  94. how many of you have any phase discipline?
  95. Jelco on Hi Line
  96. Todays QUESTION...... ?????????
  97. I bet your mostly white
  98. Just wondering
  99. bored . com
  100. if your getting annoyed with my stupid Questions just tell me. if not. TRY THIS.
  101. Three phase pad mount
  102. before, during an after the railway crossing Scotand
  103. Stringing Grounds
  104. Broken guy link
  105. Did it come easy to you?
  106. Ways to move banks
  107. What is the new rule for climbing tower?
  108. Solar Tower in little ole' Parker Az.
  109. generators going on
  110. Important Question regarding Lineman Career!!
  111. might need help up here...
  112. Tagging
  113. when ya get BAD DAYS
  114. Co-op what are the benefits in working for one??
  115. Handling Neutrals without Rubber Gloves
  116. Balaclavia
  117. tidy enough for you american types. ?
  118. The office
  119. meal tickets
  120. What IF
  121. ground rods
  122. a different type of view
  123. Time on the Road
  124. High Resistance Grounding
  125. CDL license
  126. Yahoo !!!!!! Finished. :)
  127. Electric Utilities Power Restoration Practices
  128. examples of math on the job
  129. on the island
  130. customer wants to touch urd secondary bars
  131. a little part of scotland will always be POOT.!!!!!
  132. Work procedures
  133. take a guess
  134. Jura today
  135. metal guy guards
  136. going in for promotions
  137. pole changing and binding on Islay.
  138. mmmmmmm. what type of trany
  139. while working between grounds?
  140. Salt corrosion
  141. Live at Night
  142. Best thing about being a lineman
  143. do you keep working for the most part?
  144. D size
  145. Setting 45' pole
  146. yeap .vines on circuit poles
  147. for the non-union guys
  148. no T shirts or bananas.
  149. can you go without a cell phone
  150. I need your experience
  151. getting paid to do nothing
  152. hard hat style
  153. whats your preference.......nights or days
  154. heres a touchy one
  155. Voltage detector for URD Cable
  156. how many miles did you go?
  157. Work in Texas
  158. Lets test your memory
  159. our new job.
  160. ignoring things
  161. Line construction difference
  162. Union ironworkers compared to union lineman
  163. Potheads - electric, not narcotic
  164. National Association of Journeyman Linemen.
  165. steel toe boots
  166. D size question
  167. Hopefully goin Union soon...
  168. prepping pole. job . scotland
  169. pulling wire the old way
  170. Question for Bren
  171. Ans for lewy :)
  172. fun day
  173. stupid question
  174. pole that keeps getting hit
  175. drive times
  176. urd bypasses
  177. Care to rate my Lineman glove safety video.
  178. Pole Strap
  179. Oh dooh !
  180. YourOUT.....................on STRIKE.
  181. your favorite subject.........breaks
  182. How does the overtime work?
  183. duck-tail or not
  184. Tornado season
  185. What is your goal in the next 10 years of linework.
  186. who does their own tree trimming?
  187. I'm working for Pike and wanna go union
  188. Cutout doors burnt in half. why?
  189. monday draging
  190. Replacing groundwires on transmission structures
  191. Transmission Hot-Stick Training
  192. Whats your personal pref of fall restriction?
  193. seen a recloser today
  194. come on guys..admit it
  195. Language Barrier?
  196. Fun at work
  197. skin a cat
  198. Hard running corners
  199. dropping fire retardant on a wildfire
  200. Storm in Northern Michigan
  201. How they get across country down south Bren !
  202. Elbows at Walmart?
  203. how many energy providers do you have?
  204. cooperatives?
  205. Rate of Pay
  206. are you kidding me
  207. with all this rain
  208. Confidential.....is it or is it not
  209. that's me on left.... :)
  210. is he dragging up
  211. What muppet.?
  212. Adjusting...Your Opinion
  213. stopping woodpeckers
  214. pole change lochness Scotland
  215. nobody wants to know
  216. lOCH NESS . more pics
  217. investigations
  218. They want you off the clock
  219. the truth
  220. Money?
  221. Another stupid question
  222. Guy has been here less than a Year is working 7200hot by himself!
  223. amps
  224. Any body work for Dominion?
  225. raiding a truck
  226. Cdl
  227. things left behind
  228. Long Lining
  229. were you paid back?
  230. OOOOH. that's handy Harry. :)
  231. love the feeling
  232. Is this a good idea
  233. battery operated tools
  234. Two part question
  235. Need as much help as I can get
  236. where do you tie a bank
  237. Things youve seen in pawnshops
  238. other countries
  239. Gear
  240. the state line
  241. long walks
  242. Curly Q LINEMAN
  243. substation fires
  244. another urd thread
  245. Loop Ground
  246. clocking in
  247. cool
  248. Got an ALBAT interview!!!! What to expect??
  249. READY to START
  250. our grounds... for you american types.