View Full Version : General BS

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  1. Alternative energy
  2. Just got in the door.
  3. Swampscums Ignorant Opinion's
  4. Happy New Year
  5. Do Any Of You Guys Still......
  6. Dog drags his buddy to safety
  7. I quit smoking!
  8. Gas Prices?
  9. A New Start for Ameica?
  10. Holy Crap!
  11. Volt
  12. Fire machine.
  13. Would sell a gun to this nutjob
  14. A tragic legacy
  15. privacy issue - Spokeo - check it out
  16. Retoric
  17. Cool Idea!
  18. ammunition
  19. The Liberal Left, and the amrican Lie
  20. Money for Nothing banned in Canada, eh?
  21. Not good...
  22. God Bless Her....
  23. Are Canadians getting fed up with RCMP?
  24. Swampgas theme song
  25. Oldest Member of the Band of Brothers; "Ed Mauser" Passes Away
  26. Another Era Ending
  27. So......
  28. Sbatts
  29. Right On...Kentucky
  30. Poll
  31. Drifter
  32. Ya wanna see TOUGH...
  33. Is John McCain a natural born citizen
  34. 100 Million Potentially Impacted by Next Storm
  35. Banning People......
  36. Your guitars
  37. when is the exparation date of
  38. Banner
  39. Australia has made the Gods angry
  40. It's time to discuss rules on this site
  41. Wow!
  42. Rats
  43. The "Blizzard" of 2011
  44. Off Topic Thread
  45. Smart phones.
  46. Heelbitch?
  47. So on Monday Night.............................
  48. Slim The Lineman
  49. High-Speed Rail to America
  50. Take a minute to do this .
  51. Gosh...isn't it TERRIBLE
  52. Eagle Cam
  53. Uh Oh A GOP rising star imploads
  54. shoot someone
  55. In Reponse to my post on Slim the lineman
  56. Dave Ramsey
  57. Canada launches challenge against EU seal product ban
  58. Obituary (this may be a repeat)
  59. Religion on the job - just for you Dakota
  60. Canadian Flag
  61. Wow sounds just like one of them union whiners.
  62. Just wondering........
  63. Can't find Slim on DVD
  64. Big Clive Ozone generator
  65. LifeSaver
  66. China NOW worlds 2nd largest economy
  67. Will the Real Heel
  68. US to charge $5.50 to enter
  69. Wisconsin loosing right to collective bargaining
  70. Need some help!!!
  71. The Past
  72. Oh No!
  73. Thesqueelb!tch/swampscum Trash Can
  74. The NEW..."party of NO"...
  75. Please Help
  76. Byron Dunn
  77. Monkeys 'display self-doubt' like humans
  78. Hijacked
  79. This may be my last post!
  80. To Union members who want to ban others
  81. Who Are these "guests" :-)
  82. Trivia
  83. Comical shit in Wisconsin
  84. Koga
  85. Trolls
  86. Intelligence Test for Trolls Link posted by LA in TROLLS
  87. Soups
  88. Bluetooth not Bluehair
  89. What is the best tire on the market?
  90. Oscars
  91. Here We Go Again!
  92. Guantánamo Bay
  93. this again
  94. Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission
  95. Technical Question
  96. Friggin SERIOUSLY???
  97. PROSTATE problems
  98. Labour Day
  99. Food prices hit new record highs, says UN food agency
  100. Come on people.
  101. Colorful or just annoying characters and personalities found in forums
  102. Name some of your 8 track tapes
  103. Now Swampgas, you know the rules
  104. RWD - Your request....
  105. Who are our active members?
  106. Internet Moderators? Admins?
  107. This Is Getting Old
  108. Stinky feet.
  109. "Weeper of the House"
  110. Republicans' Immoral Budget
  111. Swampgas very vocal critisizing President Obama in Gulf Disaster
  112. Happy Birthday Edge.......
  113. On the lighter side!
  114. Not about Union busting?
  115. Conservative Republicans.....
  116. Friday Night
  117. Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami.
  118. ye old days out west
  119. home town
  120. In the USA is it Treason...
  121. Higher Education in our schools
  122. How Stupid is Michelle Bachman?
  123. Swampgas's attemps at hijacking threads in other forums on this site
  124. The new European English
  125. Building a Nuke plant.
  126. India 'world's biggest arms buyer'
  127. Massage anyone?
  128. Working on the Seaway
  129. Attack Mode Thread
  130. So...let me understand....
  131. True life
  132. Building a better nuke plant.
  133. Republicans bring rationality to all things irrational
  134. Springtime in PA
  135. Smart Canadians
  136. This is Wild. Swampgasses only trick outlawed by OSHA
  137. Post your yard picture thread
  138. American workers had it coming.....
  139. Frank Buckles
  140. Skin Cancer
  141. Boomer and Swamprat..."talkin".
  142. Obama says Canada a "partner" in U.S. plans to make itself less dependent on oil.
  143. April Fools
  144. Man that Oilpatch.
  145. Boycott Koch Brothers
  146. Election in Canada????
  147. do another job
  148. What's this Abortion..."debate"...
  149. Teachers Unions...Explained.
  150. Georgia Power
  151. No Govt. shutdown.
  152. Entitlements
  153. working away from home
  154. Problem Solvers
  155. Duckhunter Is Swampstupids Twin Brother
  156. The Weird Thread......
  157. Taxes
  158. USA to become metric by 2016
  159. Fishermen...
  160. Debit Cards
  161. Things I See While At Work
  162. America, is a BUSINESS
  163. Atlas Shrugged
  164. Teabagger Queen
  165. Lets Talk Pets!!!!
  166. The Pubs is speaking.
  167. US Dollar way down.
  168. Townhall
  169. Easter is Late this Year: Food for Thought
  170. Birthday Girl
  171. My Gosh, you really don't like us.
  172. Strange and Dangerous Weather
  173. Exxon.
  174. India chooses European fighters over US rivals
  175. Power linemoon.
  176. Bin Laden's Dead
  177. A little upset??
  178. The Credit Bush Deserves
  179. To all the mom's out there.....
  180. Mothers Day
  181. How good are ya Lood?
  182. Human Planet
  183. USSR (Stalin's) contribution to the defeat of NAZI Germany
  184. Big Oil
  185. Giving Boner Something To Cry About, Not Heard On Fixed Noise
  186. As The Worm (scum) Turns
  187. Show Me State
  188. Uganda anti-gay bill 'shelved by parliament'
  189. Obama: US will seek oil in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico
  190. Can't Even Hang An American Flag In Class, What Have You Libs Created??
  191. Attempted Smear
  192. Pot Calling the Kettle Black
  193. Doin a swell job @ spendin OUR money!
  194. Why do all Fascist Racists ..........
  195. Donald Trump says he’s not running for president
  196. For our American Military
  197. Seriously...
  198. Don't hear shit in the "barry" media...
  199. Right on MSNBC SCHOOLIN folks LOL
  200. Happy Birthday Swamp
  201. 102 Things NOT To Do If You Hate Taxes
  202. Idiot's Gallery
  203. Oh Canada....
  204. Two Stupid To Run For President
  205. Documentary
  206. Casey Anthony...
  207. New Low Achieved
  208. What you expect anything less?
  209. Republican Medicare Plan-Can You Afford It?
  210. Volt Definition
  211. The MAIN Reason...barry must GO
  212. Ok Ks Mo Ar Storms
  213. Projects
  214. View this.
  215. Trips
  216. Forum Board of Directors
  217. How Liberals roll...
  218. So...Where's wtdoor...danny?
  219. Vancouver Canucks are on their way to the Stanley Cup finals
  220. Why not just close down the politics/bs thread?
  221. Duties of the FBOD Board
  222. Memorial Day
  223. Just barry "fun" stuff...
  224. Nominations for the FBOD
  225. Dodge
  226. Wet electronics.
  227. Intersting...Foreign think..
  228. Which party supported ending slavery yet we are labled racists????
  229. Hypocracy at its finest....
  230. Most illegal families on government dole..... Nice
  231. Shit or get off the pot
  232. Divorce
  233. Argumentative Attacks
  234. Memorial Day
  235. You just gotta see this picture
  236. Corporate Compensation Packages-Out of Touch with Reality
  237. Wisconsin...the fight is not over
  238. Hey Goodlookin', whatcha gotta cookin'?
  239. Angry Donald Duck
  240. Amc
  241. The List of Nominees for FBOD
  242. Should we make this a new standard for all?
  243. Nominees List for FBOD
  244. The 8 Families
  245. POLL #1 of Elections for FBOD
  246. POLL #2 Elections for FBOD
  247. Puck drops in a couple minutes
  248. Real or Not
  249. John Edwards.... can you smell it
  250. Swamprat is at it again - off topic posts